This show will house some of the best garden and floral displays – making it a showstopper event. Within the Johannesburg International Flower Show will be the Floral Extravaganza Competition – a first of it’s kind where competitors will be sponsored plant/flower material. This competition will provide South African florists, flower arrangers, floral designers and exhibitors a platform to share their talent, creativity and passion.
The Johannesburg International Flower Show is here to celebrate design and innovation with the country’s leading landscapers, floral designers and gardeners.
Gazania species are grown for the brilliant colour of their flowerheads which appear in the late spring and are often in bloom throughout the summer into autumn. They prefer a sunny position and are tolerant of dryness and poor soils
Numerous cultivars have been selected for variety of colour and habit. In temperate regions, they are usually grown as half-hardy annuals. A commonly grown variety is the trailing gazania (Gazania rigens var. leucolaena). It is commonly used as groundcover and can be planted en masse to cover large areas or embankments, assisted by its fast growth rate. Cultivars of this variety include ‘Sunburst’, ‘Sunglow’, and ‘Sunrise Yellow’. Another popular cultivated variety is the clumping gazania (Gazania rigens), which has a number of named cultivars including ‘Aztec’, ‘Burgundy’, ‘Copper King’, ‘Fiesta Red’, ‘Goldrush’ and ‘Moonglow’.
- The Floral Extravaganza Competition requires an entry fee of R 100.00 per entry per class.
- Should a competitor be unable to fulfill their commitments, he/she must notify the committee in advance at least FIVE DAYS prior to the show. There will be NO REFUND of the entry fee.
- Competition classes are open to individual exhibitors who are members of a Floral Art Union / National Association represented in WAFA, or have entered provincial shows and belong to a flower club.
- Applications close 11th September 2019.
- Successful applicants will be notified by 30th September 2019 via email or phone call.
- A competitor may enter in a maximum of two classes.
To enter the Floral Extravaganza Competition please complete the entry form below.